Category Archives: EUNET

EUNET welcomes ten new members

GA 2017On the occasion of the General Assembly 2017 in Budapest the members of EUNET accepted the applications of the following ten organisations to become new members of EUNET:

GR – Heraklion Art

F – Maison de l’Europe et des Européens Lyon Rhône-Alpes

F – TERA Maison de l’Europe de la Charente

F – Maison de l’Europe de Bordeaux-Aquitaine

L – Association Robert Schuman

H – Európa Ház Budapest


PL – Fundacja Kształcenia Ustawicznego PERITIA

PL – Polska Fundacja im. Roberta Schumana

UA – World of Development of Society

Welcome to our network!

EUNET to speak at the EESC public hearing on Financing of civil society organisations by the EU

Financing of civil society organisations by the EUEUNET is invited to speak on the topic “Recommendations for the future Multiannual Financial Framework concerning civil society” at the public hearing of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on September 6th 2017.

The public hearing on Financing of Civil society organisations by the EU is a key element of the process of preparing the EESC’s own initiative opinion on this subject.

The role of civil society organisations in the current difficult context that the EU is facing is particularly important, and cannot be achieved without adequate support. A review of the state of the art as regards NGO funding in the different EU policies is very relevant now, also in view of setting future priorities.

The objective of the hearing is to present working solutions and to produce recommendations for the revision of funding rules and the future Multiannual Financial Framework after 2020 that would enable better civil dialogue and easier and more transparent access to resources.

Draft Agenda

Legislativity – Das Spiel zur EU-Gesetzgebung

LegislativityBrüssel ist der Ort, an dem die wichtigsten Entscheidungen der Europäischen Union (EU) getroffen werden. Hier werden Gesetze gemacht, die für alle Mitgliedstaaten verbindlich gelten.
Brüssel ist daher nicht nur bekannt für Pommes frites, Comics oder das Atomium: Es ist das Machtzentrum Europas.

Im Spiel „LEGISLATIVITY“ wetteifern unterschiedliche Vorstellungen und Interessen darum, EU-Gesetz zu werden und die dafür notwendigen Mehrheiten in Kommission, Ministerrat und Europäischem Parlament zu erhalten.
Auf dem langen Weg zur Gesetzesreife lauern Unwägbarkeiten aller Art für das Gesetz: Lobbyisten und Lobbyistinnen nehmen Einfluss, Mehrheiten können sich ändern, Zufälle und plötzliche Ereignisse entfalten ihre Wirkungen.

„LEGISLATIVITY“ ist ein Würfel- und Strategiespiel für

  • 2 bis 8 Spieler ab 14 Jahren,
  • zuhause mit Freunden, in der Familie oder den (außer)schulischen Unterricht,
  • Schulklassen oder noch größere Gruppen (zum Parallelspielen an mehreren Spielbrettern),
  • Spielefreaks (mit „Profi“-Variante),
  • für Personen mit oder ohne Vorkenntnisse

Die Spieldauer kann selbst bestimmt werden (empfohlen: 45 – 60 Minuten)

Das Spiel wurde vom Europa Zentrum Baden-Württemberg in der Seminarpraxis intensiv getestet. Die Realisierung wurde mit finanzieller Unterstützung durch den Sparkassenverband Baden-Württemberg sowie das Ministerium der Justiz und für Europa ermöglicht.

Weitere Informationen und Bestellung hier:

ERASMUS+ support for our working group “Active citizens in rural areas”

Our working group on Active citizens in rural areas successfully applied for an ERASMUS+ strategic partnership for the project “Rural European Association Development Innovation Team. READ IT – Active citizens in rural areas
The project will run over a period of two years from September 2017 to August 2019.

Active citizens in rural areasThe project aims to help people in rural areas in the participating countries to work for development of rural areas as they are badly affected of the urbanisation. As many people are leaving those areas the ones who stay gets less and less included in the overall growth in society.
Young people leave those areas and most of the inhabitants are middle aged and older people. This development leads to a “bad circle” as the social inclusion between young and old decline all the time.

There is also a lack of social inclusion in terms of less public service, closing of schools and shops etc. With the project we like to enhance people in the rural areas to help themselves to get a better local development, to take initiative to entrepreneurship, local cultural activities and so on to get people to stay in the area instead of moving to big cities.

The inhabitants in the rural areas need even more creativity and civic engagement to keep them socially included and the project will aim to give them new tools for that.

Project partners are:

LLLP Erasmus+ Annual Implementation Survey

Erasmus+ survey 2017The Lifelong Learning Platform organises a yearly evaluation on the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme. The survey aims to provide decision-makers with an evaluation  coming from the programme’s direct beneficiaries on what works and what could be improved. The survey contains questions on various aspects related for instance to the application procedures, to the relations with the national and European agencies, the financial rules and the reporting processes.

Take the Erasmus+ Survey 2017 now!

This is the 4th annual review of the Erasmus+ programme implementation and is addressed to NGOs and civil society organisations that benefit from or have applied for the Erasmus+ programme. Answering should not take more than 10 minutes of your time, but it will contribute greatly to improve the programme!

Deadline to reply is 30 June 2017.

Results will be presented at launch of the LLLWeek2017, in November 2017.